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Cover Image For <I>Breathless</I>


Price: $18.00

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Product Description

Item: 098347017

by Eric Chason
Professor of Engineering

Lillian was a college freshman, a promising theater major facing the challenge of Stargardt's disease, a condition that was causing her to go blind. When, in the fall of 2009, Lillian became sick, she assured her parents it was just the flu. Four days later she was in the university hospital, relying on a machine to breathe for her.

Based on her father's journal, this memoir describes what it's like to live through a parent's worst nightmare, conveying the heart-wrenching ups and downs of Lillian's time in the hospital. At the same time, it recounts the life of a remarkable young woman who, despite the gradual loss of her sight, was determined to finish high school, attend college far from home, and embark on an independent life. This, her parents told each other, was the hardest struggle their daughter would ever face.

Yet, as Lillian lay tethered to life-support, each day a parry against time, her father realized that every challenge his daughter ever faced was only a backdrop for these few, excruciating days in which she fought for her life.
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