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If the World Were a Village

Cover Image For <I>If the World Were a Village</I>

If the World Were a Village

Price: $10.99

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Product Description

Item: 155337732

by David J. Smith
Illustrated by Shelagh Armstrong

The 2nd Edition of the best-selling book which has sold over 400,000 copies in 17 languages - updated with new content and insights about the world's people.

First published to wide acclaim in 2002, this eye-opening book has since become a classic, promoting world-mindedness by imagining the world's population - all 6.8 billion of us - as a village of just 100 people.

Now, If the World Were a Village has been newly revised with updated statistics, several new activities and completely new material on food security, energy and health. By exploring the lives of the 100 villagers, children will discover that life in other nations is often very different from their own.

If the World Were a Village is part of CitizenKid: A collection of books that inform children about the world and inspire them to be better global citizens.
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